IT Learning Center
New ways of teaching: Inspiration and tools. NEW DATE

Come to this 2-hour workshop and hear about a number of inspiring new ways of university teaching which focus on high quality teaching and active learning!

We are going to look at ways of making it easier for the students to study and prepare before class by providing them with online resources, such as literature, videos, quizzes and discussion fora. When the students show up in class well prepared, you can use the time in class to focus on the areas that the students find difficult and adding new activities where the students can work in depth with the curriculum.

You will hear about how associate professor Helle Overgaard Larsen (Section for Global Development) in her course “Research Planning” has flipped her teaching and uses a blend of online and face2face activities. Her students read and watch the online lectures before class, and in the face2faceteaching they engage in theoretical discussions and group exercises that promote student thinking.

Another example is how professor in biocomputational chemistry Jan Halborg Jensen in all his courses has given up lecturing and gradually transformed his teaching into an activating way of peer instruction where all the students are continuously engaged in class when discussing academic questions with their peers and using their mobile devices to let the teacher know their responses.

We are also going to look into how the students can collect information, construct knowledge and collaborate together online in a wiki or shared text files, slide-show presentations and online meetings rooms.

In a number of small exercises you are encouraged to take a look at your own teaching and consider if you can apply these new ways to your own teaching.

After the workshop you are invited to stay and talk to our e-learning consultants about how to get started .

Who is the workshop for?

The workshop is for everybody who is interested in developing their teaching. There are no prerequisites for participation.

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IT Learning Center
University of Copenhagen
1870 Frederiksberg C

CVR: 5790000294152